
Showing posts from November, 2020

November 17, 2020

  Continue to work on your dream board. Tomorrow we will begin presenting your dream boards (if you are comfortable). Think about what you would to say and why you would to have those dreams.

November 16, 2020

  Over the next 2 days we will be making dream boards. Don’t be afraid to DREAM BIG!!! Take your time and look at the following pictures to get some inspiration.

November 13, 2020

  Go to the link and do slides 6-8. Make sure you are participating in the discussion and really think about the questions that you are being asked.

November 12, 2020

  Go to the following link and watch slides 1-5. Please do not go past the second video (slide 5).

November 11, 2020

  Today is Veteran’s Day. We have a special video to honor our Veteran’s that our connected to CMS!!!

November 10, 2020

Go to the following link and go over slide 7-12.

November 9, 2020

  Your votes have been counted.The counselor whose grade brings more canned food get to SLIME their opposing counselor!   Go to the following link and follow slides 1-6. Do not go past slide 6!

November 6, 2020

You know that we each feel that our respective grade level is the best. We are challenging you to not just compete as lunches, but compete as grade levels. Go to our google classrooms and vote on the options we have for challenges. We will announce Monday what the challenge will be. Whichever grade level brings the most cans will win!

November 6, 2020

   With the food drive happening I would like you to take a moment to reflect on what is means to give.  We are asking you to give to others.  Why do you think we are doing that?  What can you get out of doing this?  Please take some time to think about these things.

November 4, 2020

  Our Food Drive started this week!!!! It is lasting until November 18th .  We are doing a competition by lunches. The lunch with the most donations will get a movie during lunch!  If we get 1000 items donated you will get a FREE DRESS DAY!!! Take some time to set a goal for your class to determine how many cans you want to bring to help the school reach its goal. 

November 3, 2020

  Please go to Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Adams google classrooms and take the Red Ribbon Post Test.  Please do not search for the answers. Use the knowledge you gained last week to answer the questions.

October 29, 2020

  Take this time to catch up on the Red Ribbon Week lessons.

October 28, 2020


October 27, 2020

  What do you know about Vaping? - For 20 seconds share with your seating partner then switch for and additional 20 seconds -Vaping in its simplest form uses a device that heats a flavoured solution with a battery and a metal coil. -This solution when heated vaporizes into a smoke-like fog -This vapour is inhaled in the same manner as cigarette smoke. -The device can look similar to a cigarette, like a usb flash drive, or more box-like -In 2016, roughly 37.7% of middle schoolers tried vaping within the last 30 days. (USA statistic; very similar in Canada) -Stats now show that this is the first time in 10 years there has been an increase in teen smoking rates. -Some will say that vaping is reducing the number to tobacco smokers. -This has more truth for adults who might be trying to quit tobacco but still many will become dual users. -For teens and young adults vaping is an easy way to ease into tobacco. -The mindset is not far away from a vape to a cigarette. -The exact numbers of new

October 26, 2020

  •It is the oldest and most widely used drug in the world •It is the drinkable form of ethanol or ethyl alcohol •Alcohol initially acts as a stimulant but it is a powerful central nervous system depressant •2-3 drinks in an hour can impair judgment, 5 drinks in an hour can raise the blood alcohol level to .10% enough to be legally intoxicate in every state •The alcohol level decreases about .01% per hour after a person stops drinking •Alcohol addiction increases tolerance and the drinker needs greater amounts to achieve the same effect If you notice a friend struggling find a trusted adult and reach out them.

October 23, 2020

  Next week we will be going over the importance of Red Ribbon Week. Before we do that I am wanting to test you knowledge about things that we will be discussing next week.  If you are 8th grade please got to Mrs. Wilson’s google classroom (fv6gn4g). If you are in 7th grade please go to Mrs. Adams’s google classroom (n74twbk).  Find the post titled “Red Ribbon Week Pre-Test” and click on the link.  I am looking forward to finding out what knowledge you already have and what you are going to learn.

October 22, 2020

  Here are some facts about bullying.  1 out of every 5 students reports being bullied.  Of those students who reported being bullied, 13% were made fun of, called names, or insulted; 13% were the subject of rumors; 5% were pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on; and 5% were excluded from activities on purpose.  School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up to 25% 46% of bullied students report notifying an adult at school about the incident. Reports of cyberbullying are highest among middle school students, followed by high school students, and then primary school students Students who experience bullying are at increased risk for depression, anxiety, sleep difficulties, lower academic achievement, and dropping out of school Bullied students indicate that bullying has a negative effect on how they feel about themselves (27%), their relationships with friends and family (19%), their school work (19%), and physical health (14%) Which of these facts surprised you and why

October 21, 2020

  It is UNITY DAY!!! I have loved seeing every United today coming together for acceptance and inclusion! UNITY DAY is about more than just bullying. It is about coming together. It is about including everyone in the things that you do. It is about showing kindness. Take some time today to discuss why we need something like UNITY DAY and the purpose that it serves. 

October 20, 2020

T omorrow we are providing our bus drivers breakfast to say thank you for everything that they have done to keep all of us safe. Since the cards for our staff was such a hit I wanted to do something similar for our Bus Drivers to give to them at their breakfast.  You are being provided a card that already says “Thank you”. Color and decorate the card. If you would like to write a note on the back feel free to do that as well.

October 19, 2020

  This week kicks off Bus Safety Week.  You may feel that this does not pertain to you because you do not ride the bus to and from school.  I can say with confidence that the majority of our school has been or will be on a school bus during their career as a student either going to and from school, going on a field trip, going to a competition, or to a sporting event.  Here in the Pirate Nation our bus drivers go above and beyond to keep our students safe. Here are just a few of the things that they have to do in order to keep you safe.  Focus on the road.  Maneuver an extremely large vehicle. Monitor students to make sure they are being safe.  Interact with students.  Talk about multi-taskers!!! Those bus driver have a hard job, but they do it with a smile!

October 16, 2020

  Happy Boss’s Day Mrs. McAfee. We are lucky to have you!!! 

October 15, 2020

  Take this time to work on your videos!

October 14, 2020

  We tried a couple of weeks ago to make an appreciation video for Mrs. McAfee, but due to technical difficulties we were not able to make it. Let’s try again!  She is such an amazing leader for all school so she deserves ALL the appreciation.  Take this time to determine if you want a couple of individuals or the class as a whole to say something. Please make sure that if you choose an individual that they will speak clearly and loudly for the video.  Please fill out the following Google form. All videos need to be finished by the end of Pride Time tomorrow. Thanks!  

October 13, 2020

We can all probably relate to Ava at some point in the video. The person I really hope we can relate to is Albert. Albert took a chance and stood up for Ava even when it was hard.  What kind of impact do you think that had on Ava? Think about a time that you have stood up for someone. How did you feel knowing that you had made a positive impact on someone’s day? If you have not had the chance to make that kind of impact then take a moment to think to yourself how you can make that positive impact.

October 12, 2020

  You guys! Y’all #SteppedUp on those notes! I was so impressed with the all of you. The staff here at CMS are lucky that they get to teach such awesome students.  We are continuing to talk about Bullying and Principal’s Month this week.  You may not realize it but the Principal is really the person who affects the bullying at our school. She sets the tone and expectations to her staff and they in turn set those same things to you.  We are blessed with a strong leader who puts her students and their needs as her top priority.  What is something YOU can do here at CMS to impact the culture of our school. As a class please come up with 1 idea and submit it via the following link. I will be presenting these ideas to Mrs. McAfee as things that we can possibly implement in the future.

October 9, 2020

  Take a moment to think back to last week and the discussions you had about our Principal, Mrs. McAfee and her roles here at CMS.  How does Mrs. McAfee affect the culture here at CMS? How does the culture that Mrs. McAfee has put in place affect the way bullying is handled?  Take some time to write a note to Mrs. McAfee or another staff member that you feel has helped make your experience at CMS a positive one. This does not have to be a long note. Just a quick note can change someone’s day.  Teachers please have a student bring the notes to the Main Office.

October 8, 2020

Think back to the video we watched yesterday. We are going to come up with a few things that I hope will help you fight bullying. Get out a sheet of paper and let’s get started.  Make a list of things that you are good at. Think about how you can use those things to #StepUp against a bully.  Make a list of quality people you can surround yourself with. Make sure these are the kinds of people that are going to #StepUp against bullying.  Make a list of trusted adults and even friends that can help you if you are getting bullied. Do not remain silent. Let someone know what is going on so they can get it stopped!

October 7, 2020

  Watch the following video. It is going to ask you to do things but do not follow those steps. Instead take your time to listen to what they are saying. We will utilize the video in our Pride Time tomorrow as well.

October 6, 2020

  Students everywhere are not only dealing with the pandemic of Covid-19, they are also dealing with the problem of bullying. Bullying looks different to different people and affects everyone in different ways. Take some time to watch this short clip. What can YOU do to #StepUPatCMS and stop bullying?

October 1, 2020

  Due to technical difficulties we will not be able to show the video.  Our students and classes had great things to say, but unfortunately they were too soft spoken to be understood. More information will be sent out next week.  Take this time to further discuss our Principal, Mrs. McAfee and her role in our school.