October 27, 2020

 What do you know about Vaping?

-For 20 seconds share with your seating partner then switch for and additional 20 seconds

-Vaping in its simplest form uses a device that heats a flavoured solution with a battery and a metal coil.

-This solution when heated vaporizes into a smoke-like fog

-This vapour is inhaled in the same manner as cigarette smoke.

-The device can look similar to a cigarette, like a usb flash drive, or more box-like

-In 2016, roughly 37.7% of middle schoolers tried vaping within the last 30 days. (USA statistic; very similar in Canada)

-Stats now show that this is the first time in 10 years there has been an increase in teen smoking rates.

-Some will say that vaping is reducing the number to tobacco smokers.

-This has more truth for adults who might be trying to quit tobacco but still many will become dual users.

-For teens and young adults vaping is an easy way to ease into tobacco.

-The mindset is not far away from a vape to a cigarette.

-The exact numbers of new vapers/smokers will be released over the next years.  Do you want to be the guinea pig of the Big Tobacco companies?

-It’s just vaping, it not a cigarette… cigarettes are so much worse…

-If you vape you are 6 times more likely to start smoking cigarettes.

-Don’t worry I won’t get addicted. There is no nicotine…

-IF there is nicotine you can get Chemically addicted

-You can still get physically addicted

-You can still get psychologically addicted.

-What’s the worst that could happen?

-Short term; breathing/throat irritation, coughing, throat/vocal cord irritation, headache, dizziness money spent, brain development, chest pain

-Long term; breathing issues, cardio issues, money, illnesses, brain development, etc.

-It’s just water with flavouring

-There is NO water involved

-I have only tried it once

-Good, leave it alone.  The sooner you stop Vaping or Smoking the better for your health

-Everyone else is doing it.

-Maybe, but we all need to be responsible for our own bodies and what we put into it.

-I heard the amount of metals was very, very, little?

-Heavy metals do not leave our bodies, they accumulate until they reach toxic levels

-It’s not as bad as smoking…

-True, smoking is worse that does not make Vaping good, just LESS harmful… unless it explodes… which has happened many various times.

-There is no Nicotine…

-Many flavours still contain Nicotine; just less.

-Don’t worry I won’t get addicted. There is no nicotine…

-IF there is nicotine you can get Chemically addicted

-If not… You can still get physically addicted

-If not… You can still get psychologically addicted


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